Sunday, November 1, 2009


I'm starting a new Hudson Valley TV station--right on youtube!

The first "Season" will run a few weeks and include six mini-shows, all about women's health!
WIll be serious features on hormone replacement and skin care and natural approaches to health and beauty, and a story about what happened to one woman when she had to wait five years for health care. There will be a meditation minute from Lama Karma D., a Tibetan Buddhist teacher.
Also fun features, like at home with Robin Kramer (author of the new lazy woman's blog!)

Still looking for the gynecologist who will let us do "A Day in the Life of a Gyno."

Also finishing shooting a Hudson Valley Arts program. Sponsors have been popping up and people are excited. This is not one of those slick (HA!) comprehensive HV coverage things!
It's short takes on juicy bits of art, fashion, social justice, eco-living, realtionships, etc.--all in the HV!!! YAY!!

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